Just Vibe Houston

Local Events & Information Site

Just Vibe Houston was an interesting project. This project was a collaboration with another designer/developer that just ran out of bandwidth. They developed the home page HERO and Stu developed the rest of the site.

This is a pretty technical site overall. The design was done without really considering the abilities of WordPress, which is great for a fresh unique look. It does take a developer with a lot of experience, skill, and commitment to pull off, though.

Posts are in multiple categories, but the category display is only the first one. The treatment around the imagery is all done with .css – it’s not on the image itself. The home page consists of multiple different post layouts requiring different loops that all line-up chronologically using offset post count.

One of the bigger technical hurdles with this site was the addition of “columns,” which had to cross-link to authors and contain posts. A combination of categories and post-linking took care of the post cross-link and new custom function was created to keep the authors connected to the columns. This is stretching the functions of WordPress’s content management focus.

Visit: http://www.justvibehouston.com