Christine Crockett Smith

Lifestyle Blog + Speaker / Coach

Christine had a plan! She wanted a whole bunch of moving parts coupled with a huge amount of content. This project was very big, but together we wrangled everything into a beautifully contemporary website that has all of peers asking what it cost. She promised me she would tell them how little she paid.

Blog Posts, integrated video, and customized article structure are all pulled together in an easily searchable & manageable website. The design allows visitors to browser the content lazily or directly find something specific they’re looking for. This site – while massive in content – is completely self-managed. I do design and function changes, but all the posts and videos are done by Chritine’s team. She is not reliant on me to continue running her site.

Initially, this was a membership site. I’d love to showcase that here, but after some discussions and review of metrics, we decided to re-launch with completely open content. However, all of the membership software and configuration still lurks in the background waiting to be re-enabled.

A few other pages are added to allow her to monetize services, showcase her experiences + current speaking engagements, and highlight her team. Testimonials are scattered throughout the site to add social proof that Christine is at the top of her game.

…and we both believe her site shows it.
